Residency PGY-3
PGY-3 is an outpatient year where continuity of care is emphasized. Residents work more independently and take increased responsibility for self-directed learning. In the Department of Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic, residents develop even more sophisticated clinical skills. They follow patients longitudinally and can observe progress in treatment, relapses, and exacerbations, the nuances of chronic mental illness, and the presentation of less severe or less chronic mental illness as well. Several schools of psychotherapy are taught and practiced. Residents have opportunities to learn first hand about complex systems of care, health care policy, and practice management. PGY-3 is a time for consolidation of learning and reflection on personal and career goals. Each resident is provided with 2 hours/week of psychotherapy supervision and has a faculty psychotherapy mentor for the year. In addition to the psychotherapy supervision, residents participate in a Video Case Conference weekly where they discuss and explore patient dynamics, transference and counter-transference, resistance, defense mechanisms, and alliance building.
The clinical rotations in PGY-3 are based in Greenville at the Department of Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic. This is a multi-disciplinary clinic that serves Greenville and the surrounding area. The patient population is diverse and reflects the broader community. Residents are supervised by faculty members with expertise in outpatient psychiatry. There are opportunities to lead small group teaching with third-year medical students at the Brody School of Medicine. Residents may choose to work at a university mental health clinic on the campus of East Carolina University. They also receive training in ambulatory substance abuse assessment and treatment, including methadone and Suboxone treatments.
Didactic Seminar Topics in PGY-3
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Advanced Psychotherapy
- Advanced Sexual Health
- Anxiety and Depressive
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Cultural Psychiatry & Special Populations
- EBM- Treatment That Works
- Forensic Psychiatry
- Life After Residency Part I
- Neuroscience Basics part 1
- Population Health
- Quality Improvement and Scholarly Activity
- Research and Critical Appraisal
- Sleep Disorders