Residency PGY-1


PGY-1 provides residents with an opportunity to solidify their core knowledge and skills in medicine and neurology while beginning their post-graduate education in psychiatry. Clinical sites provide comprehensive and continuous patient care experiences. Foundations for psychotherapy are laid and the practice of evidence-based medicine is encouraged. The majority of clinical rotations in PGY-1 are based in Greenville, either at ECU Health Medical Center, Brody School of Medicine ECU Clinics or affiliated programs. Residents are exposed to VA inpatient psychiatry while rotating at the Fayetteville VA during their first year.

Core Clinical Rotations

Core Clinical Rotations in PGY-1

  • 7 blocks of Adult Inpatient Psychiatry
  • 4 blocks of Medicine (Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Neurology)
  • 1 block of Outpatient Pediatrics
  • 1 block of Outpatient Neurology